1:03 am

February 12


Odessa Passports

Download Your Free Passports EXPLORE ODESSA

Mural Trail Passport

discover all the murals around town

Grab your friends, family or fur animals and get ready to discover all the vibrant murals popping up around Odessa, TX! Download our newest trail passport and check-in at the murals included in our trail to get entered to win a monthly prize.

Jackrabbit Jambore

find over 30+ jackrabbits around town

Odessa is home to 31 uniquely painted jackrabbits. Check-in at 16 of the 31 jackrabbit locations by downloading the Jackrabbit Jamboree pass. Once you’ve checked in to the locations, you’ll come by the Odessa Chamber of Commerce during business hours to pick up a fun prize! This project supports our local arts and discovering the city! Make sure to snap a selfie with the jackrabbits and hashtag #discoverodessa in your social media posts!

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